January 1, 2020 - January 1, 2020

Cyber Vertex News Portal

Cyber Vertex News Portal

Technology stacks:

LaravelVue.jsMySQLDocker ComposeAmazon AWS

The Cyber Vertex project integrates cybersecurity and digital forensics news data and learning resources. Provide a one-stop network security-related content provision platform. It also provides some social functions, to help learners to communicate and learn in a technical community. It may promote the development of cybersecurity and digital forensics field.

Use Docker Compose to build container configurations to support the development environment and production environment of the project; Deploy the website and services into AWS EC2; Domain name binding and SSL certificate installation; Proposal a revised architectural design based on current best practices and industry trends; Add new features; Project bugs fixing and UI/UE optimization.

Cyber Vertex News Portal
Cyber Vertex News Portal
Cyber Vertex News Portal